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Samantha the $168 more than her sister. After their mother Gave Samantha $22 and her brother $30, Samantha had twice as much as her brother. How much money did Samantha have at first?


Tyler_2 - 19.01.2016 19:56Samantha the $168 more than her sister. After their mother Gave Samantha $22 and her brother $30, Samantha had twice as much as her brother. How much money did Samantha have at first?

Lily_Morrison - 19.01.2016 20:22Let us assume the initial money Samantha Ann had = x $ Let us assume the initial money that her brother had = y $ Amount that Ann had after their mother gave $ 22 = (x + 22) $ Amount that her brother had after their mother gave $ 30 = (y + 30) $ Then x - y = 168 x + 22 = 2(y + 30) If you don't know how to solve this set of equations, you can ask me for a fee.

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