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Twice a number plus another number is 125. The difference between the two numbers is 44. What are the two numbers?


Sarah_21 - 19.01.2016 01:15Twice a number plus another number is 125. The difference between the two numbers is 44. What are the two numbers?

Morgan_78 - 19.01.2016 01:19let's say the first number is x and the second y twice the first number is 2x plus another number (y) = 125 the difference of the numbers (y-x) = 44 we have simultaneous equations here: 2x+y=125 y-x=44 using the easier equation y-x=44 we know y=44+x so insert this mean in the first equation: 2x+(44+x)=125 3x=81 x=27 therefore y=44+27=71 that means x=27 and y= 71 to check: 27*2 + 71= 125 71-27=44

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