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After taking a poll of 45 students, Mr. Dowman found that 7 of his students only like oranges, 21 only like peaches and the rest only like kiwis. What is the ratio of kids who don’t like kiwis to Mr. Dowman’s total students?


Natalie_R - 02.02.2016 16:27After taking a poll of 45 students, Mr. Dowman found that 7 of his students only like oranges, 21 only like peaches and the rest only like kiwis. What is the ratio of kids who don’t like kiwis to Mr. Dowman’s total students?

Jason_Little - 02.02.2016 16:34Hello First of all we'll find total number of students who don't like kiwis 45-7-21=17 dont like kiwis. Then we can find the ratio of kids who don’t like kiwis to Mr. Dowman’s total students 17/45

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