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Elizabeth worked 8 hours on Monday and 6 hours on Wednesday. Her total pay was $98.00. What is her rate per hour?


Molly_P16 - 02.02.2016 14:11Elizabeth worked 8 hours on Monday and 6 hours on Wednesday. Her total pay was $98.00. What is her rate per hour?

Lily Larkins - 02.02.2016 14:14Given Situation: Elizabeth worked 8 hours on Monday and 6 hours on Wednesday. First let’s add the total amount of hours Elizabeth rendered. 6 + 8 = 14 hours in total Her total pay was $98.00. What is her rate per hour? Let’s solve for the unit rate: 14 hours for 98 dollars. Let’s find x dollars / hour 98 dollars / 14 hours = 7 dollars/hour. She is paid 7 dollars every hour she do her work

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