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Each sandwich made uses 1/3 pound of roast beef. Kaitlyn started with 6 pounds of roast beef and now has 2/3 pounds left. How many sandwiches did she make?


Kitty_KK - 01.02.2016 23:29Each sandwich made uses 1/3 pound of roast beef. Kaitlyn started with 6 pounds of roast beef and now has 2/3 pounds left. How many sandwiches did she make?

Gabriel Macduff - 01.02.2016 23:33Let us assume the number of sandwiches made by Kaitlyn = x Amount of roast beef required for making 1 sandwich = (1/3) pound Total amount of beef that Kaitlyn started with = 6 pounds Amount of beef that was left = 2/3 pounds Then 1/3 * x + 2/3 = 6 x/3 + (2/3) = 6 (x + 2)/3 = 6 x + 2 = 6 * 3 x + 2 = 18 x = 18 - 2 = 16 So we can see from the above deduction that 16 sandwiches was made by Kaitlyn.

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