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An isosceles triangle has a perimeter of 16 inches. Each of the equal sides is two inches longer than the third side. Find the lengths of the three sides


Jimmy_NR - 22.01.2016 15:02An isosceles triangle has a perimeter of 16 inches. Each of the equal sides is two inches longer than the third side. Find the lengths of the three sides

Alex - 22.01.2016 15:27You form an equation where x is the length of one of the equal sides in the isosceles triangle, which is where there's 2x, and the (x-2) is the third side which is shorter by 2 inch. 2x+(x-2)=16 3x=16+2 3x=18 3x/3=18/3 x=6 So the two equal sides are six inches long, and because the third side is two inches shorter, it is 4. 6+6+4=16

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