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A student answered four questions on a forty-question test incorrectly. What percent did the student answer correctly?


Anna_03 - 22.01.2016 01:53A student answered four questions on a forty-question test incorrectly. What percent did the student answer correctly?

Gabriel Macduff - 22.01.2016 02:13The student answered 92.5% of the test correctly. Essentially, the student who scored four questions on a forty-question test incorrectly, the fraction would be 36/40 since they only missed four questions out of 40, so you subtract four from the 40, which gets you 36. So 36/40=0.9 0.9*100%=90% If you turn 0.9 into a percentage, you will get 90% (0.9*100%=90%), which is the score the student got on the test.

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