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At the county fair the Baxter family bought 7 hot dogs and 5 sodas for $16.80. The Farley family bought 4 hot dogs and 5 sodas for $12.60. If someone ordered three hotdogs, how much would they pay in total?


Jack_12 - 21.01.2016 02:35At the county fair the Baxter family bought 7 hot dogs and 5 sodas for $16.80. The Farley family bought 4 hot dogs and 5 sodas for $12.60. If someone ordered three hotdogs, how much would they pay in total?

Anna_Taylor - 21.01.2016 02:53Hallo $4.20 is how much you would pay for 3 hotdogs If you want to get detailed solution, than write me for a little fee

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